Monday, January 20, 2014

Is the gym a social outlet for you?

I must have a sign plastered across my forehead when I'm at the gym that says, "Please interrupt me during my training session and let's chat about nothing!"

I am consistently told over and over by those that know me that I am extremely approachable and that I'm too nice to, well, pretty much everyone.  So, instead of trying to dig deep to find that b*tch factor, I decided to analyze my own behavior when I'm at the gym.  In doing so, I also noticed many similarities while scoping out the behavior of many others at my local gym.

If we aren't pressed for time, others know it.  We walk slow to the next machine and we take longer breaks in between sets, allowing extra time to recover.  On those breaks, some of us will get on our phones to either a) enter our workouts into our Tracker on myFit5, b) text someone, c) read through the news feeds on Facebook or check out the latest pictures on Instagram, or for some guys/girls, d) take selfies to remember just how hot we are when we sweat.

In my opinion:
  • we all want to look good.  If we already look good, we're okay with everyone looking at us.
  • if we are "just getting back into working out" from a vacation or stint away from our routine (and we don't feel so great), we simply want you to look away.
  • if we want to meet someone, we will make eye contact with that person lasting more than one second (think one-one thousand, and that's it).
  • if we stare, it's because you are extremely hot, you have butt implants and we are mesmerized by how weird it looks, or we are wondering where you learned your form for a particular exercise.
  • if we need a spot, we will ask for it.
  • if we don't take our headphones off when someone makes eye contact, that's a good indication that we aren't interested in talking.
  • it isn't necessary to ask if I "workout here often." If you see me again, you'll know the answer.
  • if we see a friend or recognize someone and we smile, that means we have the time to socialize.
  • if we see a friend or recognize someone and we wave and walk the other direction, we don't have time to socialize.
  • if we don't know you and we are working out (clearly focusing on our own goals), we probably aren't shopping for friends.
  • if we wear a shirt to the gym that says "Leave Me Alone", along with big, chunky headphones that are a nuisance to remove past the enormous bun in our hair, then we are pressed for time.
Disclaimer: This post is not intended to come off as rude, just comical.

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