Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Caffeine...with Protein

Ah, caffeine.  So many think it's bad for the human body, but I will choose to read the studies and believe them to be true...that a daily dose of caffeine, in moderation, actually has some health benefits.  Like what, you ask?  Like increased physical performance, increased muscle recovery, decreased risk of liver disease, increased memory performance, decreased risk of heart disease, increased attention.

In my opinion...

If I were on death row and it came time for the warden to ask me what I wanted my last meal to be, it wouldn't be food.  It would be a coffee from Starbucks by an experienced Barista.  With or without ice.  With or without soy milk.  Definitely with flavoring.

Luckily, a visit to my local Starbucks is only a "treat" for me in my new lifestyle.  I now get my daily caffeine fix from several different sources, depending on my daily activities.

On most days, I do cardio and/or strength training, so I get my caffeine from my Octane sports energy drink.  Gone are the days of taking 8-week cycles of fat burner pills, amino acids and multi-vitamins all separately!  I realized that these supplements had too many fillers in them.  My body couldn't recognize and digest the fillers, which then lead me to taking probiotics and adding yet another bottle to my collection of supplements.  It's a vicious cycle and extremely expensive!  With Octane, I get the active ingredients for fat burning, muscle recovery AND my daily vitamins, all in a drink without fillers.  Octane is like my cell phone, I don't know how I ever survived without it!

On my workout-free days, I love to have coffee!  I wanted to share my delicious, no carb, no sugar, no dairy concoction of basic coffee with protein.  While brewing one single cup of coffee, mix a tablespoon of your favorite chocolate protein powder and a few tablespoons of hot water in your coffee mug, along with 5-6 drops of Stevia.  Add your coffee and...voila!  If you're like me, you will feel like you're getting a treat without adding to your waist line.

Last but certainly not least, I always track my drinks and supplements on!  My trackers hold me accountable by relying on me to track my foods and workouts so they can copy what I do.  I can't let them down!

Got any healthy secrets for caffeine lovers?  Share 'em!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Almond vs. The Cow

As I was preparing my homemade almond milk this morning, it got me thinking about several things.

Let me just preface what I'm about to say with...In My Opinion...

One, I actually drank cow's milk up until several years ago, which made me consistently bloated on a daily basis.  Two, I finally figured out that my problem was not only with packaged, processed food, but also with something that I thought was completely natural, milk!  Three, I do realize that the pasteurization process in milk is to destroy harmful bacteria, but if you're going to destroy some of the remotely-possible-beneficial enzymes (that are typically present in cow's milk for her calf), then why drink it?  Not only that, some pathogens with negative effects (such as the pathogen linked to Crohn's Disease) are heat resistant.  If you must destroy the beneficial enzymes with no proof that you can destroy negative pathogens at the same time, why put it into your body?  You can find calcium in MANY other foods that are natural!  Eating a diet rich in nuts, seeds, fruit and dark leafy greens will give you plenty of calcium, along with all of the other benefits that come with these natural foods.

Or, you could just suck on a cow's teet.  Oh wait, what was that?  You're not a baby calf?  Riiiiggght, I rest my case.

Check out the video of "The Almond vs. The Cow" in the My Two Cents vlog on!

Post a comment or hit me up for my almond milk recipe.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lift To Burn

There is a great article in the July/August 2011 Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine that just hit newsstands over the past few days and it's all about lifting to burn fat.  I'm sure a very high percentage of women that subscribe to and read Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine are very active or extremely interested in becoming active.  Then a high percentage of those women already know all of this about lifting.  I'm adding this to my blog for those that read it that have no clue what lifting does for you.  Without going into all of the details of this article, here are my Cliff Notes (that are quite possibly longer than the article itself), in my words and In My Opinion, of course!

Forget about nutrition for a minute and let's talk about burning fat.  If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times, "If you want to lean out, just do cardio!"  If only I had two volunteers that have the same body fat percentage and weigh the same amount to prove to you that strength training along with cardio will get you to your goal faster than you can imagine!  If you start a cardio routine, you are burning calories, so of course you are going to lose weight.  What type of weight do you want to lose though?  If you prefer to lose any muscle tone that you currently have first and then lose fat, feel free to spend hours doing nothing but cardio, but don't be surprised when you plateau.  Don't come crying to me that your metabolism has not increased and your body actually requires more cardio to lose weight than when you first started.  Is it realistic to assume you are going to be able to keep up with your 2-hour per day cardio session just to maintain your weight once you reach your goal, especially if you aren't shocking your body by changing up your cardio routine every 6 weeks?

PEOPLE!  You have to strength train to rev up your metabolism and to burn fat!  It's as simple as that.  Combine a strength training program with your cardio and you won't believe how fast you achieve results.  As with any exercise program, your body can get accustomed to the same workouts over and over, so you have to shock your body.  Challenge yourself.  If you walk on the treadmill at a 3-inch incline on Monday and Wednesday of this week, increase the incline next week.  If the weather is beautiful outside, do some walking lunges up and down your street for 15 minutes with jump squats at the end of the street in between sets.  Carry weights with you on some days and lunge until you can't lunge anymore.  Change it up!

Not sure where to start?  First, check with your doctor and make sure that it is safe to start an exercise program.  Then get to work with some of these no-brainer ideas:

  • The absolute easiest solution is to go to, sign up and dive in.  Start searching for others just like you that have been successful (on any program) and decide who you want to start tracking.  Mirror their nutrition and workouts if they have had success and you will have success, too!  (Fine print - this website is under construction and will be launched shortly.  To be included in beta testing and to remain a FREE member forever, send an email with your name and email address to
  • Decide whether you will join a gym or invest in equipment for your home.  You must decide where your activities will take place before you can make a plan.
  • Start planning your week now.  Don't wait.  Determine when you can make time for your cardio and strength training.  Without a plan, you will be lost and will not be successful.
  • Go to YouTube and search for "AJTWT10".  Check out all of our TWT exercise videos to see the correct form and get ideas for your next strength workout.

Don't forget, you must lift to burn!

What's your favorite time of day to lift?