As I was preparing my homemade almond milk this morning, it got me thinking about several things.
Let me just preface what I'm about to say with...In My Opinion...
One, I actually drank cow's milk up until several years ago, which made me consistently bloated on a daily basis. Two, I finally figured out that my problem was not only with packaged, processed food, but also with something that I thought was completely natural, milk! Three, I do realize that the pasteurization process in milk is to destroy harmful bacteria, but if you're going to destroy some of the remotely-possible-beneficial enzymes (that are typically present in cow's milk for her calf), then why drink it? Not only that, some pathogens with negative effects (such as the pathogen linked to Crohn's Disease) are heat resistant. If you must destroy the beneficial enzymes with no proof that you can destroy negative pathogens at the same time, why put it into your body? You can find calcium in MANY other foods that are natural! Eating a diet rich in nuts, seeds, fruit and dark leafy greens will give you plenty of calcium, along with all of the other benefits that come with these natural foods.
Or, you could just suck on a cow's teet. Oh wait, what was that? You're not a baby calf? Riiiiggght, I rest my case.
Check out the video of "The Almond vs. The Cow" in the My Two Cents vlog on!
Post a comment or hit me up for my almond milk recipe.