In an average year, approximately 65 percent to 80 percent of runners are injured. Our running shoes keep improving year after year as the price goes up. Could our shoes actually be contributing to our injuries? It's a possibility.
Is it possible that barefoot running is easier on our bodies? Barefoot Ted seems to think so. I think of it and get all squirmy, remembering all of the random surfaces (from muddy uphill trails to uneven brick pavement built in the early 1900's) during some of my races.
I've got at least 200 miles left on my Asics, but I'm interested to try the Vibram Five Finger "barefoot" shoes out. Just how exhilarating is it? If you own a pair, I would love to know.
I'm thinking that this barefoot thing could potentially be my ticket to injury prevention in the future. It's going to take some testing, however. I'll start with the Injinji socks first, just to get acclimated to having something between my toes.
Has anyone else tried these?